TOGO: Reforestation and restoration of mangroves

Mangrove restoration project on Ghin Island in Aného, a city in eastern Togo.

June 2022

ERES Togo, with funding from Rubis Asphalt Middle East, launched on Friday 3 June, the mangrove restoration project on Ghin Island in Aného, a town in eastern Togo.

This island at the confluence of Lake Togo and the Gulf of Guinea suffers from erosion due to the strong currents caused by water entering and leaving the lake during tides. The objective is to plant 5,000 mangrove trees around the perimeter of the island and 4,000 trees of other species (Khaya, Cola gigantea, Mitragina inermis, Ebony, Gmelina, Faux campêchers, Dialium, Pterocarpus erinaceus) in the interior of the island, over a total area of 32ha.

We chose this type of reforestation for the strong impact it will have on both the local population and on CO2 storage. Mangroves have a CO2 storage capacity up to 8 times greater than traditional terrestrial forests and mangroves require very little maintenance as they have their feet in the water. Mangroves are also part of a complex ecosystem, combining aquatic fauna, birds and rodents. The roots provide a great refuge and spawning ground for fish and shellfish. Local economic activity will benefit from this improvement in the fisheries resource (shrimp and fish) in the lake and the mangroves will strengthen the tourist appeal of the commune.

Accompanied by a maintenance programme and awareness-raising among local populations, particularly children, on the preservation of the environment and the importance of mangroves, this long-term project is fully in line with axes 1 (reducing the environmental footprint) and 3 (contributing to a more virtuous society) of the Rubis group’s CSR approach.

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