FRANCE: “Carbon footprint” training

Make VITOGAZ France’s teams aware of the issues related to their carbon footprint

September 2021

On 7 September, our partner WeNow, Greentech for climate innovation, came to raise awareness among our teams about the issues related to their carbon footprint. The aim is to better understand climate change, have a framework for understanding your own carbon footprint and to have levers to optimise and reduce it.

This is the first ten employees from different departments who were able to attend this “carbon footprint” session by video conference or face-to-face. On the programme of this training: what is defined by “Carbon”, what this represents specifically, and how our modern way of life impacts it.

The people present were able to easily implement their personal carbon footprint. They discovered their environmental impact and were able to compare it with the French average. This report is structured around 5 main themes: transport – housing – food – equipment – services.

This training course embodies our CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) approach and should encourage our employees to participate in the statement and implementation of our CSR roadmap.

We go further in our actions:

WeNow is also our service provider for training our field staff in eco-driving.

To optimise the fuel consumption of employees travelling on French roads, their vehicles have been equipped with fuel consumption measurement boxes. These boxes analyse driving behaviours and offer advice to drivers on how to reduce their fuel consumption